
Friends of Wightman Park

About Wightman Park’s Recent Renovation
The renovation of Wightman Park is a project that had been ongoing for several years. To the community’s delight, it was finally completed last year. The space is a magical place for children to play with a thoughtful design by landscape architect Andrea Ketzel and an interactive sculpture by local artists Oreen Cohen and Alison Zapata. Council Member Erika Strassburger, one among many who lead the charge for the park renovations, was key to making this much needed renovation come to fruition. Stormwater mitigation is another component of the project and is expected to help our Squirrel Hill neighbors in the area, along with our fellow residents in Shadyside. The strong partnerships and dedication that went into the park makes it a highlight and template to do the same for other parks in the area. We are extremely fortunate to enjoy the amenities of Wightman Park in our Squirrel Hill Neighborhood. To support the maintenance of Wightman Park, please donate using the link below.

Thank You to the Shriber family! 
The Shriber family (Doug, Sarah, and Nate) generously made a large donation to help us get much closer to our fundraising goal and to open the park amenities including the bathrooms at Wightman Park. We are so thankful to the Shribers and hope that you will be able to enjoy all that the newly renovated park has to offer!

Interested in joining the Friends of Wightman Park?
SHUC is looking for volunteers to help manage the cleanup and maintenance of Wightman Park. Possible volunteer opportunities include:

Planting decorative plants
Mulching planting areas
Weeding planting areas
Weeding for stormwater plants
Litter pickup
Supporting Fundraising Activities

Click here to sign up as a volunteer!

Nate Shriber at Wightman Park

Wightman Park Stormwater Project

The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority is in the process of constructing a network of stormwater “green streets” in our Squirrel Hill community to direct stormwater to recently improved infrastructure within Wightman Park.

Phase 1, completed in the Fall of 2020, regraded the park for better stormwater drainage, constructed a rain garden capable of holding up to 52,000 gallons of water, and installed underground stormwater storage below a new baseball fields able to hold over 300,000 gallons of water. Click here for more information on Phase 1.

Phase 2, currently under construction, will improve drainage along our neighborhood’s streets by directing stormwater towards the stormwater management facilities in the park. Click here for the most recent construction updates.

November 2021 Mulching Event

October 2021 Mulching Event

August 2021 Mulching Event

October 2020 Ribbon Cutting Event

Related Reading
Pittsburgh to unveil sculptures at newly renovated Wightman Park
Renovated Wightman Park in Squirrel Hill reopens as ‘a model for all the parks in Pittsburgh
Squirrel Hill’s Wightman Park renovation welcomes all ages, abilities and interests
Wightman Park Improvements Schedule

about SHUC

Preserving, Improving, and Celebrating the Quality of Life in Squirrel Hill

For over fifty years, the Coalition has been an active and important link in the community. It has served as a sounding board for new ideas, as well as a “watchdog” in the areas of public safety, education, residential quality, the business district, and parks and open space. With its focus on the quality of life in the 14th Ward, SHUC continues to monitor activities and future developments in the community through a range of standing committees.


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