Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting on Thursday, June 20th @ 10:20 am
Jun 20, 2024 - Jun 20, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Project: DCP-ZDR-2024-03521, Case 82 of 2024
Squirrel Hill South, 5850 Forward Avenue
Fukui Architects, Applicant
Change of use from magistrates office to retail sales and services
Squirrel Hill South, Council District 5
Link to access the meeting
A development activities meeting is not required prior to the ZBA meeting. Response regarding DAM from city planning:
The majority of the project site (former Duncan cleaners) is located in the LNC zoning district and the proposed dollar store is permitted in this district with no need for ZBA approval. A small section of the site is within a residential zoning district (RM-M) (the Magistrate’s Office). Since the use is going from an existing non-conforming use to a new non-conforming use, this process is considered a special exception and NOT a use variance, an item that would trigger a DAM. As for the proposal, it is simply an interior/exterior renovation with no increase in square footage.
The bottom line is that this proposal did not meet the threshold for requiring a public DAM and therefore no public meeting was held prior to the ZBA.