Squirrel Hill Tree Care

On Thursday, August 6, the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition had its first independent tree care day of the year! The tree care took place along Forbes Avenue between Murray and Shady. Led by Tree Committee chair Gary Crouth, volunteers tended the trees and weeded the area around them.

Tree Pittsburgh, with support from Sixth Presbyterian Church, brought mulch to the site for our volunteers.

Trees are a crucial part of our urban landscape in Squirrel Hill and caring for them is essential to SHUC’s mission. Trees improve air quality, mitigate stormwater runoff, reduce crime, and bring numerous other benefits. The health and economic benefits of trees are particularly important during this COVID-19 crisis.

SHUC has many socially distant tree care events planned for this autumn, as the summer heat and low rainfall have left many trees in poor health. To get involved in future efforts to care for our trees, please contact Gary Crouth at garycrouth@gmail.com!