Day of Giving 2016: How YOU Can Help!

Day of Giving: How You Can Help!

Next Tuesday, May 3 is Pittsburgh Foundations Day of Giving and we need YOUR help to make it a success! This 16 hour giving event is promoted ENTIRELY through social media. So that means, we need to get more likes, follows, shares, and re-tweets to really make this effective. May 3rd represents an amazing opportunity for us to connect with the community, raise awareness of what we do, and help raise critical funding to continue the programs and projects that have kept the community we love strong and sustainable!


Below, we’ve made up a step-by-step guide to help YOU help US!

Or you can watch the video version of this tutorial HERE, is that’s easier for you!


Click the Like ButtonLike us on Facebook!


Step 1: Search for us- Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition or go to:

Step 2: Click the LIKE button





Share This Invite Friends

Invite your friends to like us on Facebook

WHY Should You Invite Your Friends?

Word of mouth marketing is the best way for SHUC to gain more followers and better connect with the community.


Specifically in regards to the Day of Giving, we need to build our audience. The more fans we have, the further our message can spread and the more donations we can receive.


More fans also increases our chances of winning extra money through the Pittsburgh Foundation’s side contests, including most Twitter mentions or most unique donations during a given time.



Here’s How:

Step 1: Click on “Invite Friends to Like This Page”
Step 2: Clicking on “Invite friends to like this page” triggers this pop up.

Simply scroll through the list as it self-generates and click the “Invite” button beside each friend’s name



How to Share step 1Share our page on your Facebook feed

Step 1:  Click the “…” option next to the “Message” button

Step 2: In the menu, click “Share”

Step 3: When you click “Share” this box automatically generates

Step 4:  In the blank space below “Share On Your Timeline”, consider using one of the provided dialogs:


Interested in what’s going on in our neighborhood? Like our community organization and help us continue our mission of preserving, improving, and celebrating the 14th Ward!

On May 3rd, I’ll be donating to the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition to improve Squirrel Hill! I hope you’ll join me in keeping our neighborhood vibrant!

Dear Friends-

SHUC need your help to make their first Day of Giving a success! Please share this post, Like this Page, and Invite your friends to like us/share our post as well. Your 1 like could turn into 5 or 10 or 20!

Help SHUC continue it’s mission of preserving, improving, and celebrating life in Squirrel Hill and the 14th Ward!

Step 3: Click the blue POST button and you’re done!



FB NotifEnable notifications from Facebook

For the next few weeks, please enable notifications from Facebook for our page. Then, try to share our posts on your timeline (especially those tagged #dayofgiving) to help spread our message!

There are two ways to do this:

OPTION 1: If you check Facebook often, clicking SEE FIRST will place our posts at the top of your Facebook feed so you can easily share them with your friends.

OPTION 2: You can also set the page to notify you of postings. Then you will get an alert, via email or an Facebook application notification/flag of all posts we make.

Twitter FollowFollow us on twitter

Step 1: Search for Squirrel Hill Mag or go to

Step 2: Click the FOLLOW button



Mention us on twitter

Step 1:   Mention us on to your own followers by simple including @squirrelhillmag in yTwitter Mentionour message


Example Tweets:


Calling all of Squirrel Hill! Join me for Pgh’s #dayofgiving by following @squirrelhillmag before May 3rd! Donate @

I’m going to give on May 3rd to help #SHUC match the $10,300 raised by their board members! Follow @squirrelhillmag for more info!

Twitter Retweet Screen


Retweet our Content on twitter

Step 1: Click on the retweet icon at the bottom of one of our posts

Step 2:   Clicking the “Retweet” con automatically generates this dialog box

Step 3 (OPTION 1):  Simply click “Retweet” to post our tweet to your profile

Step 3 (OPTION 2): add a comment to your “Retweet,” such as mentioning the #dayofgiving or #squirrelhill hashtags



Enable notifications on twitter

For the next few weeks, please enable notifications from Facebook for our page. Then, try to share our posts on your timeline (especially those tagged #dayofgiving) to help spread our message! The more our logo is seen across Twitter, the larger impact we can make.

To do this, click the “Cog Icon”

From the menu, chose “Turn On Mobile Notifications”. Then just mention and/or retweet our messages!

about SHUC

Preserving, Improving, and Celebrating the Quality of Life in Squirrel Hill

For over fifty years, the Coalition has been an active and important link in the community. It has served as a sounding board for new ideas, as well as a “watchdog” in the areas of public safety, education, residential quality, the business district, and parks and open space. With its focus on the quality of life in the 14th Ward, SHUC continues to monitor activities and future developments in the community through a range of standing committees.


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